Examples can be found at the end of the page.
Permission | Description
dt.home | Travel to and set home (combines the two child permissions)
dt.sethome | Only set own home
dt.travelhome | Only travel to own home
dt.ctravel | Travel to coordinates
dt.ptravel | Travel to a player
dt.fhome | Travel to faction-home (requires Factions)
dt.tspawn | Travel to town spawn (requires Towny)
|* | Travel to all stations
|<stationname> | Travel to a specified station
dt.flight.* | Using all flights
dt.flight.<flightname> | Using the specified flight
dt.admin.* | All administrative functions
dt.admin.reload | Permission to reload config files
dt.admin.signs | All administrative functions connected to signs
dt.admin.stations | All administrative functions connected to stations
| | All administrative functions connected to flights
dt.admin.statdragon | Create and remove stationary dragons
dt.admin.remdragons | Remove dragons without riders near the player
dt.nocost.* | Player doesn’t need to pay for anything
|* | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels at all
| | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels by command
| | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels by sign
dt.nocost.randomtravel.* | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels to a random location at all
dt.nocost.randomtravel.command | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels to a random location by command
dt.nocost.randomtravel.sign | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels to a random location by sign
dt.nocost.ptravel | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels to players
dt.nocost.ctravel | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels to coordinates
dt.nocost.fhome | Player doesn’t need to pay for travels to faction’s home
dt.nocost.flight.* | Player doesn’t need to pay for flights at all
dt.nocost.flight.command | Player doesn’t need to pay for flights by command
dt.nocost.flight.sign | Player doesn’t need to pay for flights by sign
dt.nocost.home.* | Player doesn’t need to pay for home-stuff at all
| | Player doesn’t need to pay for home-stuff for travelling to his home
dt.nocost.home.set | Player doesn’t need to pay for home-stuff for setting his home
dt.nocost.ctravel | Player doesn’t need to pay for travel to coordinates
dt.nocost.ptravel | Player doesn’t need to pay for travel to players
dt.ptoggle | Allows a player to toggle ptravels to him on/off
dt.notrequireitem.* | Player doesn’t need the “requiredItem” to use DT at all
| | Player doesn’t need the “requiredItem” to use DT for travels
dt.notrequireitem.flight | Player doesn’t need the “requiredItem” to use DT for flights
dt.ignoreusestations.* | Player doesn’t need to be at a station to use anything
dt.ignoreusestations.travels | Player doesn’t need to be at a station to use travels
| | Player doesn’t need to be at a station to use flights
dt.ignoredragonlimit | Allows player to mount a dragon, even if the server has already
reached the limit of dragons set in the config
dt.ignoreminheight | Allows player to mount a dragon, even if he is below
the minimum mount height set in the config
dt.ignoredamagerestriction | Allows player to mount a dragon, even if the server has already received
damage and the cooldown time set in the config has not passed since then.
Examples¶ | A player with this permission can travel to the starion “stationatspawn”
|* | A player with this permission can travel to any station
dt.flight.exampleflight | A player with this permission can use the flight “exampleflight”
dt.flight.* | A player with this permission can use all flights
| | A player with this permission can travel by command | without getting charged for it